The Course Of This World.


“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” – Ephesians 2:2

This once was you but now no more.

How wonderful and perfect that grace of election that has set you apart for salvation.

Beaten, battered and hopeless perhaps.

However, rescued you presently stand, living out the goodness of God.

Or maybe not that bad it was with you, but surely, and that lost path, you once walked.

Hallelujah to the Most High for this gift of salvation, without which condemned we should stand.

But is this just about the saved and the path we once walked and now no more?

A celebration and jubilation by the rescued from the wicked course of this world and its chief host?

Nay and never!

Far be such from the saved and elect, lest our Master’s effort be counted as vain.

As we have been rescued from the prince of the power of the air, so must we our lost brethren deliver as well.

For none saved, by their power, did attain that status.

But dead in trespasses and sins, like the children of disobedience, we altogether once were.

Having found favour before God, Who is rich in mercy, to be counted among the living, broadening this cadre of the saved must become our end goal.

Therefore to the unsaved, it is everything to lose and nothing to gain walking this world’s course.

Now is the time, that most acceptable time, to make that turn, even that eternal switch.

Jesus Christ awaits you, linger no further.

Remain blessed,

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