“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:5
As it were in His days, so it is now.
The only difference is that He is no longer with us in the flesh.
In spite of the coming of Jesus Christ to the world – the same world made by Him (John 1:10), the countless signs, wonders and miracles performed, and ultimately His gruesome death over 20 centuries ago, the attitude of the vast majority across the globe towards Him still appears unchanged in comparison with what it was back then.
If He were to walk in our midst again today like as of old, the odds are in favour of His earthly journey ending in another crucifixion.
Or is this not what some do daily, intentionally or unintentionally, having already tasted His goodness (Heb. 6:4-6)?
But interestingly, Jesus remains and has always remained unfazed in all of these – the scorn, the rejection, the disdain and lots more.
His mandate, which is getting as many as are willing saved, still holds strong until the end.
He remains God’s evergreen olive branch of peace and reconciliation to mankind.
Take hold of Him and live safe today.
Remain ever blessed.