“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” – 2 Corinthians 7:1
The King of kings has spoken.
All that you are today, have been yesterday, and will ever be tomorrow have their root in these words.
But has He spoken for nothing?
Are promises ever devoid of premises?
Is it not to the end that our eyes be focused, ears be attentive and hearts be receptive?
Is it not for our good that our ways be straightened in holiness as we shun the filthiness of the flesh and spirit?
All of these in singleness of purpose for His glory and honor.
God’s promises have been given to us first to show how much He loves and cares for us.
He, by these assurances, seeks to elicit the same response from us towards Him as well.
If you are a beneficiary of God’s promises, quit eating your cake and trying to have the same.
You never really had any in the first place outside of what He has given you.
It is time for a change, a putting off of the old for the new.
Honor the Most High and strive to become more like Him daily.
Fear God and seek to be perfect in holiness.
Sufficient for the wise at heart are these sayings.
Stay blessed