All Have Sinned


23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:” – Romans 3:23-24

On account of this scripture is no one found worthy to be judged by another.

For we all at first instance are co-defaulters before God.

On this basis, we lost our right to play “lord and master” over one another as self-righteous judges.

Thinking otherwise? Then start by ridding your eye of that log before the speckle in another.

No individual may be entitled to condemn another unless undoubtedly ordained by God to do so.

The interpreters and enforcers of the law empowered by constituted authority worldwide and duly recognized in the scriptures (Romans 13:1-2) stand out.

Therefore, beloved, arise and shrug off every unfounded opinion of people about you.

Let God’s conclusion about you be the final word in your affairs.

Knowing of a truth that in iniquity we all were conceived and brought forth. (Psalm 51:5)

Behold and search out your accusers, is there any found innocent among them all?

“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” is truth undeniable, applicable to all and sundry.

Brace up and approach God’s Throne of Grace with boldness and penitence.

Freely obtain your justification by the redemption and reconciliation made available in Christ Jesus.

This is a part of the heritage of everyone willing and obedient enough to succumb to this Master.

Is this you? If not, then this you must become.

Remain blessed.

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