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FInd A Wife.


“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” – Proverbs 18:22

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;

But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised, says that ancient wise king. (Proverbs 31:30)

There are women and there are wives.

However, make no mistake about this, belonging to the gender is not a sure pass to the echelon.

Some are groomed from birth under the care of commendable hands.

Others consciously work their way up that ladder to attain the status.

And in several other cases, both apply.

Enough word to the sisters.

Now to the brothers – a word to he that seeks and must find this rare gem that opens the door to favour from God.

Have you upscaled yourself enough to belong to the rank of them worthy to be called husbands?

Or are you merely thriving in the league of boys and men that swim the pool of carnal ego?

Whatever the case, ensure to get polished in the school of sound character during your years of singlehood.

Being ultimately grounded in the doctrines of your Creator and His life manual – the scriptures- is an essential virtue.

Anything short of these may result in a mismatch, distortion of the intended order or truncation of expectations.

For any that must walk this path someday, seek out knowledge about the basics from the Inventor Himself, God Almighty.

Afterwards, become the findings thereof for this “good thing” you someday will hopefully find.

Word enough said!

Stay blessed.

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