What Greater Love?


“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13

What is love and what is true love?

Like other divine virtues such as integrity, humility, and wisdom; love, in its simplest form, is intangible and immeasurable.

Love is widely and generally accepted as the greatest of all virtues, even biblically (1 Corinthians 13:1-13).

It also stands out as the greatest commandment, not just in Christianity (Matthew 22:36-40), but across major religions.

And talking about the true definition of love, does this same popular chapter of the Bible (1 Corinthians 13:1-13) not cover this in its entirety?

Now here lies the issue, even such as now beset the world.

In the introduction of scales, ratings and degrees to love, the foundations of subjectivity and diverse opinions are established.

And about humans, subjectivity and opinions, there are as many as the count of all that ever walk this earth.

Herein lies the creation of backdoors that introduce variations constituting a deviation from the original.

The world in its frenzy marks a day and season of love today but what must stand out is the version recognized and extolled.

Regardless of the type or version of love you may be celebrating, make room to reflect on this one.

Is there any greater love among a thousand that outshines the Creator’s love for us His creatures?

In a realm of absolute sacrificial love beyond romance, benefits and self lies this unrivalled order of love.

This one too, and the One that gave His life for all, even Jesus Christ, we must remember and praise.

God the Father, we must bless and glorify, for the gift of His Only Begotten Son.

Not as a one-day affair as now is this Valentine’s Day, but for all days, all times and all seasons.

Remember always, regardless of your state, Jesus loves you!

Happy Valentine’s Day and Remain blessed.

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