“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” – 1 Corinthians 1:18
A scale of thought is set.
At one end, foolishness, and at the other, the power of God.
The name tag on this scale – the gospel of Christ.
Every human, living, dead or unborn has got a dynamic rating assigned on this scale, whether it be knowingly or ignorantly, and your rating determines how close or far you are from eternal salvation.
Dynamic because change remains the chief permanent thing in life.
Being on one side today is no guarantee you will be found there tomorrow.
However, the ultimate goal for anyone should be arriving at that point of conviction when the gospel is seen and known for what it truly is, that is the power of God.
It is on this side your thoughts and belief answer to you as you come to unlock that power of God stored in God’s word for your benefit.
Here, salvation lies.
Never despise the gospel, God cannot be mocked.
Stay blessed.